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Titanium Dental Implants: Unveil the Lesser-Known Facts

05 Sep 2024

Those who have multiple missing or damaged teeth feel embarrassed in public. But with advanced dentistry options now they can restore their smile. Titanium dental implants are the most preferable option to replace your missing teeth. It delivers long-lasting result improving the quality of life.

However, when you plan to undergo implant treatment, certain aspects need to consider. This blog entails unknown facts that you should know before the treatment. Check them below.

What is titanium dental implant?

Titanium dental implant is effective and famous option for replacing missing teeth. Dentist inserts them into the jawbone surgically and allows it to fuse to the jawbone over time. This will give stable and strong foundation for a tooth replacement or bridge.

This kind of implant has endosteal anchors for offering optimal support to the bone structure along with attached crown. Different companies and brands manufacture this implant, but only your dentist can choose the most reliable and safe one for your teeth. 

What are the types of titanium dental implants?

2 types of titanium implants are there:

  1. Commercially Pure Titanium (CPTi)- It consists of 99.9% pure titanium making it most corrosion-resistant and biocompatible. Often this type is preferable for orthopaedic and dental applications because of incredible ability to fuse to bone tissue.
  2. Titanium Alloys- This type of implant is the combination of titanium and other elements for enhancing the mechanical properties like ductility, hardness and strength:
    • Ti-6Al-4V- It has 6% aluminium and 4% vanadium to make it wear-resistant and strong. This alloy is perfect for implants as it has corrosion resisting ability, balancing strength and biocompatibility.
    • Ti-5Al-2.5Fe- This alloy has 2.5% iron and 5% aluminium possessing better functional ability and better ductility. It is popular in orthopaedic surgery.
    • Ti-3Al-2.5V-5% vanadium and 3% aluminium containing alloy is perfect for balance, low density and biocompatibility. This type is ideal to use in paediatric orthodontic implants because of its lightweight.

However, the correct choice of titanium implant material depends on the individual patient requirements and specific application. You need to consult with the dentist to make the correct decision for your implant procedure. 

Difference between ceramic and titanium dental implants

Titanium implant gets attached to the jawbone enabling natural healing (osseointegration). Titanium is highly durable and thus can last for long. There is no-to-little chance of implant fracture as well.

Implant is not noticeable as the crown encases the entire post. However, many people drop down the idea of getting titanium implants because of the aesthetics and go for ceramic or zirconia implants.

Ceramic implants are white and match the colour of natural teeth. It is a perfect choice for those with history of receding gums. But it possesses a set of limitations over titanium versions. They are brittle and highly expensive. Moreover, over time it can get damaged leading a risk of rejection or fractures. 

What involves in titanium dental implants?

When a dentist determines that an individual needs dental implants they will refer you to an oral surgeon. Both periodontists and general dentists can carry out dental implants in London too. But they need advanced training and must possess required experience for that.

  1. The oral surgeon places the implant on the jawbone. It appears like a screw and also known as post.
  2. Now, they will place abutment on its top to let the implant holds on its place. It serves as base for dental crown.
  3. Lastly, the crown will be positioned on top of abutment replicating the appearance of natural teeth and serving as encase for the entire implant.

In general, these steps are carried out in a few separate dental visits. After placing the titanium posts, you will be asked to wait for a couple of months prior to get abutment and crown placed, so that jawbone heals completely. This also enables the implants fuse into the jawbone perfectly. 

What’s about pain and recovery?

Prior to start the implant surgery, the dentist will give local anaesthesia so you cannot feel any pain. If you are anxious then they may prefer general anaesthesia. After that, you may need OTC pain killer to alleviate any kind of discomfort.

Oral surgeon will give necessary instructions to take proper care of the implants along with normal cleaning. Usually, any patient who undergoes implant procedure can get back to work within a couple of days.

What are the benefits of titanium dental implants?

  • Biocompatibility- Titanium is biocompatible and coexists easily with living tissues without leading to any adverse conditions. Hence, it seamlessly integrates with the jawbone around providing stable support to artificial teeth.
  • Osseointegration- Titanium possesses a unique quality to fuse into the jawbone and bone tissue, called osseointegration. This gives durable anchor to the implant promoting better biting and chewing.
  • Corrosion resistance- This material is corrosion-resistance making it perfect material for dental implants. Implants gets constant subject to food particles, saliva and other corrosive components. But the nature of titanium will not let it degrades or emits any harmful substances.
  • Strength and durability- Due to the use of durable and strong metal, it can withstand against everyday strains and stresses. Dental implants can endure the excessive pressure of biting, chewing and other dental activities with no harm or fracture.
  • Bioactive surface- Over time, it develops a thin layer of oxide on the surface that promotes it osseointegration and biocompatible features more. As a result, it enhances better attachment and growth incorporating to the integration of implant with jawbone.
  • Hypoallergenic properties- Titanium is less likely to cause allergies in most patients making it a safe tooth restoration option. Also, there is no probability of teeth sensitivity.
  • Aesthetic appeal- It possesses a natural metallic look that perfectly matches with the surrounding gums and teeth making the smile aesthetically pleasant and beautiful.

Possible side effects of titanium dental implants

Dental implants do cause certain side-effects but they don’t lead to any long-term complications. Very rarely you may get allergy because of titanium. In case your medical history states allergic to metal then testing before hand is ideal.

There is also a pale chance to get titanium toxicity that can cause bone loss or inflammation or both. Titanium implants cannot heal properly if there are any underlying oral conditions like:

  • Smoking
  • Diabetes
  • Cancer
  • Alcoholism

Taking proper care for dental implants is as important as for natural teeth. It covers basic regular cleaning practices such as brushing and flossing. Also, you should not miss regular professional dental checkups and cleanings to ensure that the implants will last long.

What is the cost of titanium dental implants?

To know the exact dental implants cost especially for titanium implants you need to consult with an experienced dentist. Remember, the manufacturing expense of titanium implants is relatively lower than other implants procedure. Hence, this can be an affordable option to replace your missing teeth. However, the total cost depends on the number of missing teeth you have, your location and the dentist.

Even, additional procedures and attachments like anaesthesia, X-rays, tooth extractions, crowns and abutments will also contribute to the total expense of the treatment. Fortunately, most dental insurance covers implant procedure. All you need to do is to speak up with the provider and check the coverage.

Those who are underinsured and uninsured discuss with the dentist for flexible payment and financing options. Sometimes, clinics provide attractive offers to make the treatment more affordable. In such instance, you should consult with the dentist to make a decision at best deals.


Titanium implant is the most typical type you can find easily available due to its durability and efficacy. Once it heals completely, the implants will remain for the rest of your life with regular cleanings and proper care. New implant is a matter of money and time and so you need to consult with the dentist or oral surgeon for your concerns related to titanium implants.